The Evolution Of Dwayne Johnson !!
Sophie couldn’t sleep. The window behind the curtain was wide open, but
nobody was walking on the pavement outside. No cars went by on the
street. Not the tiniest sound could be heard anywhere. Sophie had never
known such a silence. Perhaps she told herself, this was what they
called witching hour.
Sophie has never been alone before at home. She was not frightened. She
and her parents lived on the cemetery and that day a dead person was
buried. That person was an old and shocking looking man. He lived in a
castle on a mountain. The man has always lived alone there and when some
children wanted to get in the castle the heard worst screams. Sophie
thought about the man and became more and more frightened. She believed
in “return to life” people and she knew that all dead people get up in
the witching hour. Sophie thought that the old man who she called
“shocking Paul” wanted to revenge on her. This could be because one day
Sophie and her friend made fools of Paul in front of his castle. Sophie
got up. She tried to phone to her parents. “Oh no, our telephone is
still broken! The silly telephone man wasn’t here to repair it. What
should I do?” but than she recognized that the telephone cables were
cut. She ran into her room. There !
she heard strange sounds from outside. Sophie shut the window. The wind
was strong that night. Whistles came from the cellar. Suddenly somebody
rang at the house door. Sophie looked around. What could this be? RING,
RING, RING......
After a few minutes it stopped. But now somebody knocked at the windows.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK..... “OK, keep cool, Sophie, it’s only the wind.
But since when the wind could ring at the house door?” she just thought
is as the house door slammed shut. After this the parquet floor cracked.
Somebody was in the house. Sophie said to herself “You must be brave”.
She took her grandmother’s vase. “Sorry grandma, but perhaps it could
rescue my life”. And so she stood behind her door with the vase in her
hand. The steps came nearer and nearer. They stopped in front of her
bedroom door. Sophie’s heartbeat was so loud that she thought the person
could hear it. The door opened slowly. A tall person got in. Sophie
wanted to hit the person but then she recognized her father. “DAD”
“Sophie, what do you do here? Are you crazy?” “
Boys and Girls
At the age of 8 Paul had a dream
What A Coincidence Harry Potter!!
At the age of 8 Paul had a dream. He wanted to be a famous bicyclist. He comes from a small town in Germany called Luckau. On his 8th birthday he got a new bicycle. Since that moment he wanted to be a famous bicyclist as Jan Ullrich or Lance Armstrong. He really enjoyed it when he droves through the landscape. So he saw the nature and he trained his condition. He trained two hours every day. One day his father read an article in the newspaper. “There´s the German-Bicycle-Championship in Cottbus.” Paul wanted that his father enrol him to the championship. At the day of the championship Paul was very nervous. He droves with his father to Cottbus. The race was very good and Paul was when he droves through the finish on the second place. Since this day he trained harder and harder. One day Paul heard the phone ring. His father said that it was a talent-viewer and he said that Paul had a very big talent. From this day his whole life changed. At this moment Paul was 15. He had an own trainer and sponsor. Now he is 17 and he takes part at the Tour de France. He wanted the white trikot for the best driver till 20 years. He knows that it will be a hard way to the white trikot. The competition is very good but Paul is confident:” All my life I´ve trained for this big event and now I will have success”, he said and smiled.
At the age of 8 Paul had a dream. He wanted to be a famous bicyclist. He comes from a small town in Germany called Luckau. On his 8th birthday he got a new bicycle. Since that moment he wanted to be a famous bicyclist as Jan Ullrich or Lance Armstrong. He really enjoyed it when he droves through the landscape. So he saw the nature and he trained his condition. He trained two hours every day. One day his father read an article in the newspaper. “There´s the German-Bicycle-Championship in Cottbus.” Paul wanted that his father enrol him to the championship. At the day of the championship Paul was very nervous. He droves with his father to Cottbus. The race was very good and Paul was when he droves through the finish on the second place. Since this day he trained harder and harder. One day Paul heard the phone ring. His father said that it was a talent-viewer and he said that Paul had a very big talent. From this day his whole life changed. At this moment Paul was 15. He had an own trainer and sponsor. Now he is 17 and he takes part at the Tour de France. He wanted the white trikot for the best driver till 20 years. He knows that it will be a hard way to the white trikot. The competition is very good but Paul is confident:” All my life I´ve trained for this big event and now I will have success”, he said and smiled.
There was only one torch
Hilarious Google Search Results!
There was only one torch. Yes, I'm sure there was only one!" A sad smile lit up in Terry's wrinkled face and he nodded knowingly: "I hoped so! It will end very soon, now!" Not getting his point I asked him: "What do you mean with it will end very soon, Terry?" "It means that very soon the last of their offspring will die and they will be redeemed. It will end very soon!" he told me. "But how can you know that, Terry? The last one of them might have a huge family left! It might still go on for ever!" I uttered to him. He smiled at me: "Did I forget to mention the name of their leader? His name was Roderick of Wheatfield, a violent man, mercenary for the English crown and murderer of this nameless village!" I did not get what this was supposed to mean and before I could tell him that, he told me: "My name is Terrence Wheatfield, Bruce! I am the last one living. I don't have any family left! With me, the curse will die and all this will find an end! Years ago I discovered a very old family bible. Somehow Roderick learned about the curse. Don't ask me how! He was very troubled, despite his violence he was a very God fearing person. Odd but the truth. So he wrote everything down in his bible as a kind of confession before God. And almost 600 years later I learned about it." I was astonished. I could not believe what I had heard. "This was the reason you moved here? You knew you were the last one!" I exclaimed. He shook his head: "Though it was the reason I moved here I did not know that I was the last one until you told me about the torch. I never went there in the night of the New Year's Eve. I came here often, almost everyday throughout the year but never on December 31st. I was just to afraid to find out!" I nodded understanding his reason. "You might still live another 20 years, Terry!" I said and he shook his head again. "No, I don't have much time left. I've got cancer and I'm already living on borrowed time!" he explained to me. This revelation shocked me for I came to like that gentle giant in the few hours I knew him. He must have realised what I felt: "Don't you worry, son! I led a good life and now it is time I went to my little Rose, again!" We stood there in silence looking at the valley which was a graveyard and I said a silent prayer. Suddenly, Terry put his hand on my shoulder and said: "Well, let's get this car of yours fixed, shall we!" Then we walked on towards the A82. Of course, Terry got my car running within minutes and I thanked him profoundly and bid him good-bye. It was not a good-bye forever for I visited Terry very often over the course of the next two years. We became very good friends and I overcame my reservations about the Highlands. Terry showed me their greatness. One day I returned to his little house and I found the windows and the door boarded up. I knew Terry was gone for good and I felt terrible because I was not there for him when he needed my help. But I was pretty sure that he was not disappointed. I do not know where Terry is now but I am certain that he is happy that this valley got back its peace after such a long time of redemption.
Then we stood where
Children Now And Then!!
Then we stood where the creatures were standing during the night. Terry started to talk: "In the year of our Lord 1397, there was a small village here. The men were away serving their clan chief in the fight against the English. Only women, old people and children remained here. It was a hidden valley so they felt pretty secure. One day, it was the day of the New Year's eve, a band of rogue warriors from England came here. They killed the old people, then the kids in front of their mothers, then they raped and killed the women. 32 human beings ceased to exist within a couple of hours. They gave pardon to nobody. Then the band of 12 warriors left again like they came without a trace. Weeks later the men came back to their village and found everybody dead. They were furious, desperate, many of them broke that day and never recovered. There was no chance for them to find the murderers. So, they buried their dead people and over the graves of them they cursed the perpetrators. They cursed them to return to the place of their crime every year on the same day the slaughter happened and to watch over the graves of their victims. Their ghosts should return to this place until the last offspring of them dies. Until their families do not exist anymore, either. Then their deed should be redeemed." After he told his story Terry fell silent. I was astonished: "Wow! And this is the graveyard of the village?" "Yes, but there is not much left. The villagers, having lost everything, went their ways and disappeared all over Scotland." Terry explained. I looked at him and asked: "How is it, that you know so much about this? Did you read it somewhere in a book, Terry?" He held up a hand and replied: "I will tell you but I need to know something, Bruce! Can you tell me how many torches the ghosts held in their hands?" Thinking about it, I stood there. Then I remembered: "
Then we stood where the creatures were standing during the night. Terry started to talk: "In the year of our Lord 1397, there was a small village here. The men were away serving their clan chief in the fight against the English. Only women, old people and children remained here. It was a hidden valley so they felt pretty secure. One day, it was the day of the New Year's eve, a band of rogue warriors from England came here. They killed the old people, then the kids in front of their mothers, then they raped and killed the women. 32 human beings ceased to exist within a couple of hours. They gave pardon to nobody. Then the band of 12 warriors left again like they came without a trace. Weeks later the men came back to their village and found everybody dead. They were furious, desperate, many of them broke that day and never recovered. There was no chance for them to find the murderers. So, they buried their dead people and over the graves of them they cursed the perpetrators. They cursed them to return to the place of their crime every year on the same day the slaughter happened and to watch over the graves of their victims. Their ghosts should return to this place until the last offspring of them dies. Until their families do not exist anymore, either. Then their deed should be redeemed." After he told his story Terry fell silent. I was astonished: "Wow! And this is the graveyard of the village?" "Yes, but there is not much left. The villagers, having lost everything, went their ways and disappeared all over Scotland." Terry explained. I looked at him and asked: "How is it, that you know so much about this? Did you read it somewhere in a book, Terry?" He held up a hand and replied: "I will tell you but I need to know something, Bruce! Can you tell me how many torches the ghosts held in their hands?" Thinking about it, I stood there. Then I remembered: "
When I woke up
What I Thought After Seeing This.!!
When I woke up, Terry was already working on the stove and by the smell of it he was preparing breakfast. Suddenly, I realised how hungry I was. The sun was shining through the windows. Apparently, it stopped snowing. Thank God! "Good morning, Terry" I said while sitting up. "It seems that the sleeping beauty finally woke up - without having a prince kissing him! Good morning, Bruce. Hope you had a good night's sleep!" the old giant said to me while he continued to cook breakfast. I slowly got up and walked over to him: "That smells great, Terry!" "Help yourself to a cup of coffee, son! Have a smoke, too if you want!" he told me while I realised that I had pulled out the pack of cigarettes when I got up. I fetched me a cup, sat down on the table and lighted a fag. Although I was eager to tell Terry about the nightmare I experienced this night, I did not say anything. Terry finished preparing breakfast and came over with two full plates. Then he sat down and we had a silent breakfast. He watched me while I wolfed down the food. I could not help it, I was starved. He smiled knowingly while he ate. When we finished breakfast he sat back, lit his pipe and said: "Okay, son! It is daylight. Now is the time to talk about the dead. Tell me what you saw!" And I told him everything, about my journey, the breakdown of my car, the discovery of the light and then I told him about the creatures. During my tale he kept his silence, he only nodded knowingly from time to time. "That's it, Terry! It is weird, isn't it? You believe me, don't you?" I stammered when I finished my story. "Yes, Bruce, it is a weird yarn you are telling me but I do believe you!" he told me and I felt relieved that he did not think me mad. He continued: "We will do a little walk now and I will tell you a very violent story!" Then he got up, took his coat from the hook and handed me mine, too. I stepped into my Wellies and we left the warmth of the house. Though the sun was shining it was chilling cold outside. We started to walk side by side. Silently again. I saw the tree which was in my way, last night. Indeed there were no other trees around. I chuckled and shook my head slowly. We walked for quite a while until I realised that we were walking towards the place of the bonfire. I got a bit anxious but Terry was with me and it was daylight. So my troubles flew away.
When I woke up, Terry was already working on the stove and by the smell of it he was preparing breakfast. Suddenly, I realised how hungry I was. The sun was shining through the windows. Apparently, it stopped snowing. Thank God! "Good morning, Terry" I said while sitting up. "It seems that the sleeping beauty finally woke up - without having a prince kissing him! Good morning, Bruce. Hope you had a good night's sleep!" the old giant said to me while he continued to cook breakfast. I slowly got up and walked over to him: "That smells great, Terry!" "Help yourself to a cup of coffee, son! Have a smoke, too if you want!" he told me while I realised that I had pulled out the pack of cigarettes when I got up. I fetched me a cup, sat down on the table and lighted a fag. Although I was eager to tell Terry about the nightmare I experienced this night, I did not say anything. Terry finished preparing breakfast and came over with two full plates. Then he sat down and we had a silent breakfast. He watched me while I wolfed down the food. I could not help it, I was starved. He smiled knowingly while he ate. When we finished breakfast he sat back, lit his pipe and said: "Okay, son! It is daylight. Now is the time to talk about the dead. Tell me what you saw!" And I told him everything, about my journey, the breakdown of my car, the discovery of the light and then I told him about the creatures. During my tale he kept his silence, he only nodded knowingly from time to time. "That's it, Terry! It is weird, isn't it? You believe me, don't you?" I stammered when I finished my story. "Yes, Bruce, it is a weird yarn you are telling me but I do believe you!" he told me and I felt relieved that he did not think me mad. He continued: "We will do a little walk now and I will tell you a very violent story!" Then he got up, took his coat from the hook and handed me mine, too. I stepped into my Wellies and we left the warmth of the house. Though the sun was shining it was chilling cold outside. We started to walk side by side. Silently again. I saw the tree which was in my way, last night. Indeed there were no other trees around. I chuckled and shook my head slowly. We walked for quite a while until I realised that we were walking towards the place of the bonfire. I got a bit anxious but Terry was with me and it was daylight. So my troubles flew away.
I mumbled my thanks

" I mumbled my thanks and drank slowly. It tasted delicious and it was wonderfully hot. The hotness filled up my stomach and I started to feel good, again. A little bit dizzy, though. Maybe, I had gotten myself a slight concussion. I would worry about it later. While I listened to Terry talking about my rescue I realised that Terry did not have a Highland dialect, not even a Scottish dialect, at all. He was talking like an Englishman from the south coast. I asked him about it and he told me: "You have a pretty good ear, Bruce! I was born and raised in Weymouth. I spent all my adult life there, too! After my little Rose died 16 years ago I left my hometown and moved up here. Pretty odd, isn't it? An old Englishman spending the rest of his life up here in the wild Highlands!" he explained to me. Then I made the decision to tell him about my experience: "Terry, I saw something, that's why I was running away ...!" He held up his hand and stopped me from telling him about the creatures, looked at me for a couple of seconds, which seemed like an eternity to me and said in a very low voice: "I know! But this is not the time to tell me about it. Drink up, Bruce and get some sleep! You will tell me tomorrow when the sun is up and I might tell you some things, too!" I nodded slowly, although I still wanted to tell him, right now, but he seemed serious about it so I shut up and we drank our coffee in comfortable silence. I put away the cup and fell asleep very quickly.
I kept my eyes closed
The truth in the world !!
.. then I woke up again and it was wonderfully warm. I kept my eyes closed and took the warmth in. I smelled an open fire and suddenly I felt fear again. Those creatures got me finally. "No!" I screamed loudly and sat up. I forced my self to open my eyes. There was a room, sparsely furnished and an open fire place. I was lying, no sitting on a wooden bed. One corner of the room was like a kitchen with cupboards and an old cast-iron stove with a kettle on it. The bit of light in the room came from an oil lamp. It smelled great in here and I got calmer again. Then, with a loud bump the door was opened, snow flakes came in. The terror came back to me while I waited for the inevitable to enter. After a few seconds a giant came in. He was at least 6 foot 4 inches tall and heavy built. If I had to estimate his weight I would say at least 18 stone. The most wonderful thing about him was the fact that he had a face. An old wrinkled face, wearing the signs of about 70 years. He wore a white beard and an unruly tuft of white hair. "Well, boyo, seems you are with the living again!" he said in a deep friendly voice. "What happened, sir?" I asked the man. "Cut the sir, boyo, me name's Terry!" he replied joyfully. "Thanks Terry! My name is Bruce Mackenzie from Glasgow!" I introduced myself. Terry pulled up a chair to the bed and sat down: "You really are some lucky sod, Bruce! If I hadn't found you in time you might be celebrating the New Year next to St. Peter." he started to explain, "I've heard you cry out when you run against the tree!" "I run against a tree? I can't remember anything!" I answered. "Yes, and by that probably the only tree for miles! You really seem to be the lucky guy!" he shook his head in amazement and did a deep belly laugh. That really seemed like me. No tree for miles but I had to pick the only one to run into. Maybe I should try to find out why things like that always happened to me. "Found you out there and carried you into my humble home. You have been out for a couple of hours know. What does your head feel like?" Terry wanted to know. Apart from a slight headache I felt quite okay. I put a hand to the head and felt a bruise but there seemed not to be any blood. Good news for a change! Meanwhile, Terry went to the stove and filled two cups with coffee, then he came back, sat down and handed me one, "Here have a brew, son!"
.. then I woke up again and it was wonderfully warm. I kept my eyes closed and took the warmth in. I smelled an open fire and suddenly I felt fear again. Those creatures got me finally. "No!" I screamed loudly and sat up. I forced my self to open my eyes. There was a room, sparsely furnished and an open fire place. I was lying, no sitting on a wooden bed. One corner of the room was like a kitchen with cupboards and an old cast-iron stove with a kettle on it. The bit of light in the room came from an oil lamp. It smelled great in here and I got calmer again. Then, with a loud bump the door was opened, snow flakes came in. The terror came back to me while I waited for the inevitable to enter. After a few seconds a giant came in. He was at least 6 foot 4 inches tall and heavy built. If I had to estimate his weight I would say at least 18 stone. The most wonderful thing about him was the fact that he had a face. An old wrinkled face, wearing the signs of about 70 years. He wore a white beard and an unruly tuft of white hair. "Well, boyo, seems you are with the living again!" he said in a deep friendly voice. "What happened, sir?" I asked the man. "Cut the sir, boyo, me name's Terry!" he replied joyfully. "Thanks Terry! My name is Bruce Mackenzie from Glasgow!" I introduced myself. Terry pulled up a chair to the bed and sat down: "You really are some lucky sod, Bruce! If I hadn't found you in time you might be celebrating the New Year next to St. Peter." he started to explain, "I've heard you cry out when you run against the tree!" "I run against a tree? I can't remember anything!" I answered. "Yes, and by that probably the only tree for miles! You really seem to be the lucky guy!" he shook his head in amazement and did a deep belly laugh. That really seemed like me. No tree for miles but I had to pick the only one to run into. Maybe I should try to find out why things like that always happened to me. "Found you out there and carried you into my humble home. You have been out for a couple of hours know. What does your head feel like?" Terry wanted to know. Apart from a slight headache I felt quite okay. I put a hand to the head and felt a bruise but there seemed not to be any blood. Good news for a change! Meanwhile, Terry went to the stove and filled two cups with coffee, then he came back, sat down and handed me one, "Here have a brew, son!"
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