After all , every man

 I Hate Having Period

So Albanian political leaders will have to realize this promise , do them this favor Kosovo Serb citizens , by signing a new agreement with them , the " double majority " agree in future any other constitutional amendment , most basic issues dealing with the head of the nation state ( preamble ) , avoiding the restrictions and paving the way for other changes in the future .
After all , every man under no circumstances Liberator out against giving as much freedom and minority rights realistically communities because so proves that Kosovo is a democratic and free and very generous in terms of humanitarian ...
Four favors Kosovo's leadership issued if the mean " yes" extending the mandate for reserved seats .
First , this act of electoral reform track opened before this year's national elections , electoral law approved by . Then strengthen the image of Kosovo Serbs to Kosovo , but also the world look like the state of citizens not only completely equal , but even rewarded through the mechanism of positive discrimination , which makes Kosovar state among states with most civil liberties and political rights in the region .
Secondly , as many Serbs to accept to be part of the Kosovo state institutions , especially in the legislature , they will increasingly be part of the system and will increasingly be linked to loyalty to the new country , so countries reserved do not reinforce Serbia in Kosovo , but make sustainable relationship with the state of Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo , while Serbia draw as much out of Kosovo institutions .
Third , the greater participation of Serbs in public life ( political ) Kosovo , namely in the Assembly and Government, invalidates the iconic power that some Serbs are giving the Association of Municipalities in Kosovo Serb majority , because , by the very fact that they will be " third force " in the Assembly , raises ahtisaarian principle of " double majority " in the decision-making power , much more effective than that will be the real decision-making powers of the Association of Kosovo Serb ethnic majority , thus affecting the state deetnizimin and to connect more strongly with civic solidarity in the state .
And fourth , this generosity of Kosovar state takes away from the hands of enemies eventually Atun Kosovo Serbs in Kosovo are suffering the constraints of a " second Albanian state " , postulate that this was obviously the alpha and omega of the century Serbian propaganda against Kosovo independence .
