Am I The Only One pikpytje
All countries where bribery is widespread , those states or the brink or on the way to the precipice . Because there are no blessings in the place where people rob each other corrupts . For this reason Islam regards this phenomenon as one of the worst occurrences and more consequences in society . Suffice alejhiselam fact that Muhammad has cursed him who gives bribe , it takes bribe , even that which mediates , all three are cursed . Which means that they have not only not with him without hairin , but the Lord has not left much to be quiet in the world . Have not done alone or with his children whom he fed with bribe money and of course the rest of the world expects retribution . If man knew how much and how bad it is haram to eat bribe , corrupt or corrupted respectively , would rather eat fire than accept bribes .
During this week in Kosovo marked the International Day against Corruption . By the fact that there is an international day for this phenomenon is understood that this phenomenon is prevalent throughout the world , but of course some more sometime less . At meetings organized for this occasion was emphasized that our country is deeply immersed in corruption and that the level of corruption in this country is very high and unfortunately almost all institutions , or in their absolute majority . There were big call to fight corruption , gave commitments as provided earlier that will fight this phenomenon , it would not have tolerance for this phenomenon , but still far from the appearance of a clear progress in this area . It also mentions that the Anti-Corruption Agency has done a very great job in this regard , but no measures were taken against the suspects .
Nevertheless , corruption is a phenomenon that should concern all of us , especially those who can do something against it as in this case the government and the judiciary . I think it should be offered a general awareness of awareness of society in this area , and certainly that religion plays an extremely large and undeniable in this field , explaining the sanctity of property / money and that it should not be misused . Then the importance of earning money halal , or legitimate way . And no doubt that the man who is religious , connected with heaven , he is far bribes , as it is away from any negative occurrence or harmful to society. Allah guide this society, our country saved us from the law of malicious people . Amin and up next week with a different theme alejkum.Raundi second salaam Kosovo local elections produced results much more interesting , as virtually can call and wise choices .
So it seems from someone who sees Kosovo with Albania eyes and selects from them , interprets them according to this approach to produce any conclusion .