This army of functional illiterates
This army of functional illiterates , obviously that produces votes , ie power , through student organizations allegedly involved in " selected " as the Student Parliament , to fabricate frames for youth forums PDK , AAK and recently also the Self-Determination Movement ; who exercise political influence through professors " apolitical " party of assistants militants and corrupt .
Simply through an army of people without moral and civic education without titles smuggled to the rectors , deans of a sophisticated intelligence system .
And this regime in its essence is a form of government that in theory is called Kakistokraci therefore the law governing the people , or government by the people least qualified or most unprincipled least , "government by the worst . "
Why is the government involved in this disgrace of Kosovo and Kosovo Prime is why real rector UP.
Act early in 2013 , when the Prime Minister had received Prize Sun Moon University, " Doctor Honoris Causa " - a university church ( evangelical ) founded by controversial tycoon , koreanojugori Moon , who assess themselves to be " Messiah " , but that was a former American convicted of tax fraud and conspiracy , was the prelude to some dark and mysterious spheres of obtaining academic titles and degrees of men Thaci .
This act was therefore a solemn opening " the championship of knowledge " of the regime .
Mentioning the gjysmanalfabetizmit theory of Theodor W.Adorno says that education should be one that would fit the individual spiritually free , with full consciousness and action in society .