Problems at the State

Girls Underwear Through The Week

Problems at the State University " Hasan Prishtina " are growing , weather there are precisely observed irregularities and racket , accepting students from beginner up to the end , to the advancement of professors , etc. . Oh that was all , it would be very easy , but learning and education in our country is a mess at all levels, from primary school . Today our schools are the place where distributed drugs , smoking and alcohol , promiscuity spreads , there even used the weapons , so it is not surprising when the parent conveys his son to school in the morning, in the evening it turns into a coffin .

So , not only has major problems in the capture of knowledge , science , but also of education . Both of these are likely to be regulated repaired the name of God , the first time more , while the second is easier and faster. ADD religious subject in schools and for a few years over 50 % of problems between students will be reduced. This is not a clue ' magic ' but the experiences of others in this regard have shown us this . For this I wrote earlier I do not quite split the doubt of what I say. But , while our government , our dear state completely ignores this factor , religious education , which I have in mind almost all countries of the world , then this is the basis for doubt that the state has not the slightest interest to bringing the process to bring the advanced country. God can , but with these guys , with these government hardly progress and improvement , at least in the short term . The LORD make the hair, preserve this country , especially the youth from qëllimkëqijtë , amino and up next week with a different theme salaam alaykum . I do not know if the sea is raging out there these days , is far murrlani in or leads them Tarab , a barrage of rain is near , but one thing is clear : taking your most washable nothing more . Do not say under the teeth that last little wonders , because it did not fleeing the winter . When you hit someone with a knife marks remain , not stab you , but the fallen ax your name , your Albanians and history that you sit behind them . There is no fault in Anamal shepherd , fisherman in Ad or bukëpjeksi under the castle but you face them before you received other Albanians across the mountains .

From an ethnic group that makes up only 5 % of the total population in the state sequence , you develop more political parties than the Republic of Kosovo probably with approximately two million inhabitants . Insignificant differences that people invested in them , to return later fiercely against one another , that you planted exploded in pain bleeding nose and mouth afterwards. It is clear that the more water you brought the mill where the " dear " .

Formerly northern Albania had twelve tribes , with significant differences , which had coexisted with numerous problems among each time . However, even in primitive communities where the risk had at the door, their leaders gathered cross-legged without distinction . Which political agreement between himself and did you ? No , for this reason he took the castle from within , however with a bit of quiet soldiers .
