This Is How The Internet Works
The third edition of Sculp'ice will be realized around the concept of " Melting the Barriers " . Merger would tematizojë all sections of the festival , serving as a common denominator and motto of this edition . At the general level , the merger means work sculpture artist to shape the ice art . Transforming a piece of ice from the crass forms in a work of art is the first dimension of the merger. By this token , the festival will conceive all its activities ,
engaging in mergers aimed at unlocking processes and highlight the
beautiful part of the social and political realities .
Specifically , the festival will be structured around these thematic
pillars : Melting barriers to the recognition of Kosovo's statehood ;
melting of barriers to integration ; youthful potential meltdown ;
Melting Melting taboos and green .
at a very convenient moment to promote the state of Kosovo and to
improve its image , this setup will be invited eight artists /
international and local sculptor , who will skulpturojnë ice ( material
recycling ) in public for three days. The main activity will be conducted on February 17 , which coincides
with the marking Independence Day , in which case there will be a
special performance art .
will also organize a debate on the importance of cultural diplomacy in
promoting the state of Kosovo , which will be held in conjunction with
snatch - un ( Network Prizren Cultural Organization ) . Then
there will be two conversations with participating artists to the
festival , as well as workshops with arts academy students about
creating " art with recyclables " , where topics are discussed :
skulpturimi ice , ice preparation processes and other recyclable
materials , with order to protect the environment . Also , there will be quality music during the days and evenings of the festival .