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, more physical fight during the drafting of the Constitution of the
country has been just about the Preamble to the Constitution of Kosovo ,
where the Albanian side has insisted that it reflected their sacrifice
for independence and national liberation war , but this reference was
not accepted - for if accepted - then this would suggest that the Albanians were
titular ethnic Albanian nation , excluding other ethnic communities from
being the titular nation in the state .
the preamble new state is defined as a multi-ethnic , indivisible and
no territorial claims against another state and will not seek union with
another state or part of another country , according to the Ahtisaari
Package , which has grandeur the Constitution of Kosovo , under the provisions of Chapter 13 .
Under Section 144 , constitutional amendments can be made with the
approval of two -thirds of all the Members of Parliament , including
2/3-at of all deputies holding seats reserved or guaranteed for
non-majority communities .
In this respect the constitutional changes can not pass if they reduce
any rights or freedoms provided vital to Article 2 of the Constitution,
the human rights , fundamental freedoms and the rights of communities
in its Chapter 3 .
a new agreement with Serbian political parties , this opens the way to
the Assembly may amend Article 143 in the future , to cut power to the
Ahtisaari package and the constitution to run her in the desirable
direction , conformity with national and state interests , geostrategic and geopolitical interests .
such, the extension for two terms of seats reserved for Kosovo Serbs ,
regardless of how many seats guaranteed win Serbian political parties ,
competing in the elections , the first will initiate acceleration of
normalization of relations between the two countries ( through any peace
treaty ) and " melting" inviolable constitutional provisions in the
Assembly , will actually prove that the Constitution is not untouchable
and that it can be amended and changed , according to new developments
and domestic and international certainly not in terms of reducing the rights and freedoms for all citizens , but in terms of their expansion .