Surroi tomorrow to join


UP professor , Milazim Krasniqi , has again written to SURROI and his participation in the protest tomorrow .
Surroi tomorrow to join the attack against the University. Is trying to re-establish " Udruzenje Jugoslovenska Demokratske initiative " his beloved . In its media has turned the weather . Even NGOs controls , yes. But Vetoni has an old problem : there can be a leader in this country , without the built this nation altogether. While this is not a job that can be done . Work to be done again tomorrow Vetoni is that gas will become of the world , this time as the perpetrator of the autonomy of the university , wrote Krasniqi . ( ORAinfo )
Milazim Krasniqi : Sons of shkinave are profane UP
Professor Milazim Krasniqi has once again responded to student protests against Ibrahim Gashi and state Rector of the University of Pristina .
He wrote on Facebook that pro-Serb in Kosovo segments , are stronger today than in the 90s .
" I had written recently that segments pro-Serb in Kosovo today are stronger than in the nineties . Have been consolidated and are preparing revenge . Universitetti smashing them to Pristina is proof of their new courage . Shkinave sons are profane even the most sublime knowledge institution in our country and are proud look , " says Krasniqi .
