While the Assembly uttaranat docket

This Is Very Interesting..
 This is Very Interesting...

While the Assembly uttaranat docket equals a long needed law - the protection of the environment with noise pollution . And clicked the destruction was asked why noise control of Ezana and cause bells - allegations came to realize that calls for religious rites can not be considered pollution . And in fact they are not pollution - noise pollution which is make those calls . Religious communities are very conscious of this there is nothing to elaborate long , that the bells are adhan time when there was no other way to call believers to perform the rites . Same as the microphones and speakers are added to the tracking technology , should also fit the need that all people are protected from unnecessary noise . Nobody is saying ndalini calls , says no, stick to European standards , and Deacon: Bow voice , that you do not have to be afraid who ... after all , he who adheres rites , no need to call nothing , that not paste timer, a watch phone has .
As have members of the Cabinet, who besides writing messages during meetings of the Government ( that have laptops that have never worked before , and can not use ) , have taken time with humorous programs . Hand on heart , this time going to admit that my Bukoshi Deputy has put gas when poqurkat mentioned ... , but it leaves me most was the impression conveyed irony that the sentence that Pacolli told : " You said that all this mushroom production is dedicated to export . Do something for us jet with a hanger will poqurka t'mira , then that becomes discrimination " ...
Perhaps there was more symbolic than this sentence to describe the situation in which lives the people of Kosovo - which when it eat all mushrooms should be satisfied with what remains , with poqurkat ; flattered by the fact that they can survive the thefts of the misery in which they have made , while it small layer made ​​with all people build wealth through years of hard work .
