So the first , and most famous

Best Yearbook Quotes EVER!

So the first , and most famous , was 2010, when Prime Minister stated that " ... for fifteen months will happen visa liberalization " . Indeed , in a press conference he stated that this prediction made ​​for wearing regular contacts with European officials and his personal ties ( let de ) in Brussels had assured him that such information . In fact , for anyone with a little knowledge besides more about the process , such a statement was only an electoral promise , for visa liberalization was a gift that was not a sign of a relationship - even personal - but it was a triumph , then an end of a road with more evidence about success . Much of the evidence had to do even with the arrest , detention and prevention of the closest collaborators of the Prime , the same as he was competing in national elections . It was a guff , nothing more .

When they became nearly fifteen months , sometime in late 2011, the Prime Minister in an address to his cabinet was stated that " ... 2012 is the year of the visa liberalization process ." When 2012 was over whether , in a new show of his said that " liberalization has not happened , but we have declared 2013 as the year of liberalization , then 2013 is a year of visa liberalization " . This second part of the residence , when " the third time but the real " as noted Novelist and new , says more about the ignorance and the volatility of a typical politician allaballkanas 90s . When they saw that neither third was "not true " , then a month ago, the prime minister is concluding with the cycle of statements with " ... coming months are crucial for the visa liberalization process ." So much of it , as I know , as provided and how misinforms - intentionally or due to ignorance does not matter - in three years than power .
