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Yes that could be the solution ? This
does not invent but we need to look at what they do in other developing
countries where growth take seriously the role of science and knowledge
in economic development . Kazakhstan
, Kyrgyzstan , Azerbaijan and other republics of former Soviet Central
Asia , Japan , Tailanda , Malaizia , Egypt , Morocco , Turkey and the
Persian Gulf countries pegagogë aggressively recruit from countries with
advanced academic tradition . American
university gates , British , Canadian , Australian , New Zealand and
South African are always open to staff from developing countries . In many developing countries , universities speak English or practice a bilingual system . Texts that students use in these universities are also those that use American students . In
several public and private universities in these countries , rectors
are foreign , most experienced professionals in the direction of
universities , often not scientists . They
are managers ( a good scientist does not mean that the manager is also
good as a good doctor will not say it could be a good director of the
hospital ) . AUK thrives as an isolated oasis in our desert ngurojmë academic and learn from it . International Academy interacts but we have closed the door to any meaningful cooperation . Our Academy monologo ...