Only guy will understand this !!
At the age of 14 Maxie began to paint. She taught it herself. She
painted to express her thoughts and she likes treasuring impressions.
Maxie started to paint things she saw, but when she was 16 she love
drawing flowers and landscapes in generally. At this age she bought her
first own linen and colours and all what a young painter needed.
She had said to me:” I can only paint when I´m inclined and have time. Only then I have good ideas.”
I have seen a lot of paintings from Maxie and I can say that her
paintings are very good and professional. Other people also saw Maxie´s
paintings and they found them very good and professional, too. So they
want to buy her paintings. For example: the manager of the festival
where people shot on a target. This festival called “ Königsschießen”
and it is in Jüterbog. Maxie had to paint the target for this festival.
Also, other people want paintings from Maxie. She loves painting for
other people, so she painted paintings for them. I have a picture from
Maxie, too.
Also, in the age of 16 started her A-levels and visited the advanced
cours of art. There she learned more and more about art and the
techniques. When she was 18 she passed her A-levels and she applied at
the University of Burg Giebichenstein for graphic design and
photographic in Halle. So she got a scholarship and passed with average
of 1,2.
Then she made an exhibition with her own paintings. Who are an important
painter, his name was Roy Lichtenstein. He sponsored her next
When she was 30 she opened a school of art. But in spite of the work at
school, she made exhibitions with her own paintings and paintings of
her students.
Also, after her death students from her school made exhibitions with her paintings.