I know that communitarian will jump upwards kundërshtruar me that a society needs for graduates from universities . I , an individualist , I would say : more universities need to have those who want a degree to build on a career. School ends at 12th grade , where childhood ends , and at the age of 18 starts legal responsibility but also individually . After that starts the academy . Thus , if one were to take a university degree , why this bill has not entrusted the state budget . If someone wants a university degree , then that person should take financial responsibility for the individual . Why should taxpayers pay to Kosovo chronicle ngelësit years wandering on exams for fall ? Someone pays for those teachers who deal with this , for those audiences who cleaned for the stream that is spent . But when finally , pathological ngelësi graduate , he boasts of having a degree in UP , and finds herself unfairly privileged over those of private university graduates who have not entered the state hand in his pocket to graduate . This is deeply unfair .
My intention here is not to protect private universities ( they have their own problems of a different nature ) but to focus on our big problem in common: UP as a gigantic edifice of atrophied , mired in corruption ( not necessarily financial ) and an annual grant defaulter since the government is not able to do something good with it. Papagallik slogan that UP graduates every year so the students is completely worthless because the graduation of students is just one of the missions of a university and , if the quality of these degrees is deplorable , this graduation is better not done at all .
Someone pays for those teachers who deal with this , for those audiences who cleaned for the stream that is spent . But when finally , pathological ngelësi graduate , he boasts of having a degree in UP , and finds herself unfairly privileged over those of private university graduates who have not entered the state hand in his pocket to graduate . This is deeply unfair .