P0rn Vs Reality
Debate on the situation in UP was imposed so far-fetched because of scandals that surfaced in recent months opinion . This
fact alone shows that this institution and institutions obliged to
supervise and assist his work have failed for a long time to implement
their duties and responsibilities to direct and manage the UP in
accordance with the Law on Education high academic standards and ethics . Now the problems are tearing surfaced in many aspects and ignoring them is not possible . UP
faces before all the serious defects of crisis management , performance
and ethics , then in three main areas that have damaged the reputation
and credibility of the institution that nevertheless still represents
the most valuable asset of this company for the development of human capital , so as it is not able to do so . The
situation has come to the point where the curves of effective measures
should not attempt to shift kit , unequivocal , politikanizëm and
opportunistic behavior . This situation can not be overcome even with demonstrations that want to conquer the Rector and served with violent acts . Condition , such as UP , not even the police can protect , if someone thinks so . And here we come to the third shaft problem . Academic ethics . Increased
corruption in society and his tolerance including UP, but also other
institutions of higher education to public and private are not immune . It is an alarming crisis in academic ethical behavior . Plagiarism
and copying of the draft texts professors and students in exams if the
culture is transformed , being considered as a skill , not condemned
vigorously . Interventions for passing marks as well. The
product of this knowledge are also disturbing the efforts of those who
were caught in the mouth these days to find the most ridiculous excuses .
we wrong to say that and understand that it does not , it would be a
step to overcome the situation , but the blurriness and escape from
dealing with errors and omissions only does the opposite , showing
perhaps a grapple ( grab ) of them .
This stagnation does not befit UP, its historical role or his future role . It is discouraging for teachers of excellent scientists there and exemplary students . In this situation not to forget them and makes them all Let us take possession a bag . Yes exceeding the state can not be done without the involvement of people from within UP.