If parties do not find

Paul Walker’s Best Friend Wrestled Away From Burning Car After Crash !!!!!!!!!!!

If parties do not find such a chord or similar , but remain in their entrenchments , the country could slide into anarchy or civil conflict , the worst version , with all the consequences qëkjo can bring to all . In that case all will be losers , mostly amongst the political parties , who could lose the confidence of the electorate . This will only konvenonte " Time Team " and the group pre-political clients . But it would be a disaster for the country .So who can influence the parties to rationalize their actions in the coming week to avoid extremism in this matter ? In the first place can affect the citizens . They should give the signal that do not support violence . Neither physical violence in the yard of rector , or verbal abuse in the Assembly . This would discourage extremists PS separately , that went away in violence against the state police . If they feel they do not win votes with these acts of violence , will zbytheshin . On the contrary , will tëegërsohen even more.And a safe gjëështë : from stricter state , the university imposed solutions anywhere in the violence , only worsening the situation in the country will be . No one could say later that did not know what country are causing catastrophe , because it is already the mountain birds have learned to attack so brutal egërshan to university , for allegedly three treatises is coauthor cussion Rector and published in a journal with low credentials , is only a pretext for an attack on all përfshiërs to do this failed state . To make way for " Third Republic " of Albin Kurti , or what is the most reliable association Balkan states in a union , for example , " Ujedinjenje jugoslovenskih demokratksih Jedinice " ( Union of Democratic Units Yugoslav " Veton Surroi .Both are violent and can be imposed only by force . In the courtyard of the rector , these platforms are being tested .As the Croats say " bili Ziv , without vidili " ( May we be alive to see ! "
