How Men And Women See Colors !!
week Ulrike Lunacek , Kosovo rapporteur in the European Parliament ,
may have broken hopes of a cluster of Kosovars who still bore the words
Prime Minister ; hope to be small however some who still believe in his
drivel . She told us that " ... this year there will be no visa liberalization for the Kosovars . I hope that will be done within two or three years. " Also
said he tried to fight crime , criminals , manipulators and all other
public parasites is a prerequisite - with the overall economic
development of the country's democratic - to move freely in Europe . So
, in other words, walking free in Europe is the result only of a
domestic product , ie a political and economic production pleasurable
Kosovo - this production that all positions of government and
pro-government scribe that is being created , there is nowhere ; otherwise would not go to Europe .
Friday night sights in Pristina , so pompous and so mediake , disturbed me more - were unusual . A
batch of policemen , some masked and some not , were marching orders
from you to , as they declare themselves , " pamëshirshmërinë to show
determination and criminal groups ." And where were these criminal groups ? Guests in all the bars and clubs of Pristina . What offense .
I have every respect and consideration for the Kosovo Police , which
keeps many individuals within the worthy servant , as well as the police
neighborhood in which the office of " Riinvest " , near the neck , and
which does not exceed a week without holding at
least one meeting with us and all the other residents of the
neighborhood - to get feedback, to arrange the order to show commitment .
I marvel at his will . So the police service such individuals fairly . The
police also have a duty of responsibility to ensure law and order , but
however , this sequence should not make law through support to the wall
, extending the legs of each guest check detail Pristina cafe - which
on Friday said that there were two three thousand .