So , individuals who decide to relax

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So , individuals who decide to relax in the evening with friends or family , after a tiring day of strenuous as deciding to have a few moments of forgetfulness - are not criminals and do not deserve such an insult . As a control does not deserve a train travelers Pristina - Pec , who were appalled by the respective authors rapid inflows of the bombastic mask all accompanied by camera .
If the police intended to prevent narcotics in cafes - even though in the end after all the surgery they found nothing however bash - more appropriate would be to act as he does every modern police force - the detective put two or three servants of the show so efficient in capturing users without the need of torture of thousands of others . And furthermore , if you want to prevent crime, narcotics or weapons , it would be wise to stop their source , which however are not found in cafes .
Theatre as to say they are doing the job are more dry appearance of potentially police leaders and political leaders , who under the pressure of the need to fight crime publicity seems to have decided - as usual place in any other relation . Even then they go to Europe .
And in Europe at least go to a public university that offers the opportunity to Fistekut Filan works deemed worthy of promotion . An excellent study of journalists " Daily Times " best unveiled all the fault of " science " and " scientific level " of UP, promotions and all the teachers there , primarily associated with politicians or politicians - blood or Jarani - to take science as a hobby .
