Is This Coincidence
If anyone should be put on sound business protection , it should certainly make KCC , but KCC should be placed on the protection of the law and the creation of an agency that would oversee PAK and the whole process of privatization . This is the interest of the citizens of Kosovo and where the interest of the citizens should be the business of , if not , the KCC ? Even the privatization process of revaluation did the other countries that have gone through the process of privatization . So nothing is happening in Kosovo that have not occurred in other countries of the EU . Even if what sin Too Assembly debates an important process for which there were no clear policies on privatization and he was not doing them any revaluation policy . In this case I see fit to inform the public, why and on what basis is organized keeping the debate . Below are offering some of the evidence from numerous mountain of evidence that has led the Union of Independent Privatization of SOE Amortizatorëve.Procesi Shock Absorbers Factory in Pristina was allegedly accompanied by numerous irregularities , drastic violation of laws , even suspected to institutional organized crime , so the following is briefly mention just some of the weaknesses of this process : The process of privatization allowed the privatization of the company with only one bidder and a ridiculous price compared to the real value and market prices , while the tender rules stipulate that the privatization process should be at least three eligible bidders . In this case lacked three winning bidders privatization përgjegjshëm.Janë persons who were under investigation before announcing the privatization process , both these offenses consist in serious breach of the rules of the tender for the privatization of the Shock Absorbers ndërmarrjeve.Fabrika there were 1,000 assets in the form of machinery , equipment , finished products , etc. gjysmëprodhimeve . , the real value of which was estimated at 129.000,000,00 dollars , these assets were not recorded intentionally for the purpose of destroying the evidences of them , then the privatization of the winners with the help of KPA these assets were acquired illegally and were sold on the black market . The factory was privatized with a prize of 2,150,000.00 euros , while the assets of which were acquired illegally sold on the black market in the amount of 10,000,000.00 euros , was so defective in this Shock Absorbers Factory securities and interests of the workers were injured creditors in the amount of 22,000,000 euros . These data for us to lay the issue to suspect left many , certainly for this defect is not the fault of the buyer or buyers as if they had followed the contract , but the culprit should be sought in cooperation with those who prepare the company for sale ( Board PAK ) .